Saturday night in the nation's capital is Dominicans night. It is the night when all the ladies with "hairSaturda like silk and skin like milk" come out in their very best, if not most immodest outfits. All the Dominicans, women and men, legal and illegal are there. And who else is there? Our nation's finest -police officers, immigration officers and other senior civil servants - almost all of the male persuasion - among others. (One must wonder just how much objectivity can there be when these officers have to officially interact with the individuals).
And where do they come to party? At Her Majesty's Police Canteen, right in the heart of our nation's capital! It is really pathetic and embarassing to me and many others as Turks & Caicos Islanders, to see this carousing of Dominicans, and others - it would of course never happen with the darker skinned, "kinky" haired Haitians - right at our Police Headquarters. More than once have I heard visiting foreigners express their awe at this phenomenon, asking how is this allowed to happen?
To be sure, our men for the better part enjoy this spectacle. This is "hair like silk and skin like milk" gone wild. What is very clear though is that the license paying club owners in Grand Turk do not enjoy it. The best and most lucrative clubbing night of the week, Saturday night, is ceded- involuntarily no less - by private club operators to the government owned and operated, Her Majesty's Police Canteen. Privately owned bars on Saturday nights are like ghost towns. Bereft of all patrons.
The club owners have griped and complained - even to their elected representatives, only to be told that the Police come under the jurisdiction of the Governor, and that there is nothing that they can do. I cannot even imagine where else in the Caribbean, or any place else for that matter, this type of behavior would be allowed to take place.
One is compelled to ask, why does it continue to happen? And why are there deaf ears to complaints by the community at large and the club operators in particular about this odd, if not illegitimate behavior by Her Majesty's Police? And is the Governor aware of what is going on here?
This "Dominican Night", I and many others are convinced, is very unbecoming of our country's Police Department and represents at the very least, a terrible lapse in judgemnt by those in charge. And it is certainly unfair, and to the financial detriment of our club operating, license paying businessmen.
Will it prove easier for Gorbachev to "tear down that {Berlin Wall}", as President Reagan demanded, than for the governor to close down that club? Only time will tell. One patron was overheard saying that at least you don't have to worry about any fights, with this night club being right at the Police Station. How true.
Friday, November 09, 2007
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- Guanahani a.k.a. Grand Turk.
- Grand Turk., Turks & Caicos Islands
- Acerca de 1942 Columbus on his first voyage to the New World he landed on the island of Guanahani (plenty water), which is known today as Grand Turk.There are other claims. Also on his first voyage, Columbus spoke about the water inland. The only Island in the Archipelago which has a lot of water is Guanahani as the name applies. Welcome to our page, feel free to make comments. We reserve the right choose and refuse. Just sit back, relax and enjoy.
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